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The difference between Male and Female Cats Jakarta Utara

Photo The difference between Male and Female Cats Jakarta Utara

Determining the sex of male and female cats may be a little difficult for someone who is not familiar with just looking at their body shape. The difference between female and male cats is definitely in the genitals. The surest way to tell a male from a female cat is to examine the genitals under the tail. Summarized from several sources, Friday (20/11/2020), male cats have an anus, scrotum or testicles and penis. Meanwhile, female cats only have an anus and urinary tract.

In all male cats, the scrotum is covered with hair and contains two testes, each varying in size from the size of a cherry pit to a cherry. Apart from the different genitalia, there are some basic differences between male and female cats which mostly center around their hormones. For example, male cats have such a strong desire to reproduce, that they can go wild and act aggressively to complete their desires when a female in heat (wanting to mate) is around.

Some male behavior tendencies that are not spayed or neutered.


Don't want to stay in the house

Spraying (spraying a little urine carelessly)

Fight with rival males

Neutralized male cat behavior trends

1. Love and accept other cats of any gender more

2. Engage in rough play with his male feline friend and with his people

3. Hugging male and female cats

4. Reducing spraying, they can still spray when they feel threatened or unsafe

5. Become very attached to a special feline friend who is usually, but not always another, male. A very bonded boy kitten, they often cuddle and care for each other even though they are both adults.

Some behavioral tendencies of non-sterile females.

Loud vocalizations.

Desire to be handled and petted more.

Mark their territory with facial markings and sometimes spraying.

Driving rival females from their territory.

Behavioral tendencies of spayed female cats.

Be careful with strange people and animals. They think of her role in the cat family as mother and protector of her children.

Does not enjoy rough play, as tomcats do. But they love to play.

Cuddle a male cat, especially if it's related, but it's rare to see two female cats cuddling.

Remains very territorial and unlikely to share certain premises with other cats, especially with other females.

More independent than male cats, and they don't always have special feline companions, they are more solitary.

If they have a cat friend, it's usually a male cat and not a female.

Hope it's useful!

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